Friday, November 14, 2008

The Yes Men - NY Times Fraud

For those of you who haven't heard of the "The Yes Men", they are definitely worth checking out. They put out a movie, in 2004, titled "The Yes Men", that is super low budget, creative and hilarious (beware hamburger lovers). Here is how this group of artist describe themselves on their website:

"Impersonating big-time criminals in order to publicly humiliate them. Targets are leaders and big corporations who put profits ahead of everything else."

So the yes men pulled another brilliant stunt as described on Wired Magazine Blog:

"In an elaborate hoax, pranksters distributed thousands of free copies of a spoof edition of The New York Times on Wednesday morning at busy subway stations around the city, including Grand Central Terminal, Washington and Union Squares, the 14th and 23rd Street stations along Eighth Avenue, and Pacific Street in Brooklyn, among others.

The spurious 14-page papers — with a headline “IRAQ WAR ENDS” — surprised commuters, many of whom took the free copies thinking they were more

Here is the website of the paper...enjoy

Yes Men Site

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